Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Technology in North Omaha

I teach at Omaha North High Magnet school. We are an engineering magnet. We offer a four year engineering program called Project Lead The Way. This is a unique opportunity for students who want to get a jump on their engineering education. We are the only school in a five state region to offer this opportunity. We have additional opportunities at the middle school level at McMillan Magnet Center. Students in the 7th and 8th grades can begin their education of engineering at McMillan and then advance to North and possibly receive credits toward college before graduating from high school.

In the picture to the right you can see the new addition to North High. This is a science and engineering wing. Many classrooms in this wing offer computers for every student and wireless projectors for class presentations. The computers are equipped with CAD programs for engineering as well the basics like Microsoft Office. On the roof is a green space where science class can grow plants to experiment with. There is also a green house on the southwest corner of the wing. And did I forget to mention the room with a green screen where students can experiment with video and broadcasting?

To hear this it would seem that Omaha North has it all. Well, I would like to think so, but that is the new wing. The school is currently in the process of mounting a projector in every room, and just this last year every teacher has been equipped with their own personal laptop. Each room has also been equipped with a laptop port and an additional monitor so that we can view twice as much information at one time. Time and training are sometimes difficult to come by. Administration is doing a better job of providing training during staff development days. We do have multiple computer labs as well as a lab in the media center, and we have great support staff to work with teachers and students in both areas.

I have used my projector to present power point lessons to my classes. I have used Geogebra, a program that allows me to work with graphs in a coordinate plane, work with slope and construct geometric figures. These are all great things, but I need the ability to physically draw and write on the screen. If I had an interactive whiteboard or Smartboard that would be great. Students find the chalkboard difficult to see at times and my overhead can be somewhat limiting. This must sound terrible to some of you that have stood the test of time and progressed from dittos to photocopiers and thought the overhead with a roller was the second coming, but to keep kids interested we have to stay on the edge. When we get new technologies, we have to experiment with them and let the kids use them as well. I think I have many advantages at North; the only thing keeping me from using them is me.


  1. Wow! I have not yet seen the new wing! It looks amazing! I must say I am a bit jealous. We have none of that at Norris, and with the budget cuts it looks like we don't have much of a chance of getting much that is new. I do have a laptop and a smartboard!! I think it is awesome that OPS offers this to our students. I looked at geogebra and will let our math teacher know about this site. Looks great. Nice post!

  2. Wow...I too am amazed at this beautiful new wing. However, if putting up a new wing doesn't include supplying each class with the technology that they need, was it worth it? I understand the "magnet" intention but sometimes does it feel if you aren't part of the pull your content gets left in the dust? Hopefully the other content areas will receive the same attention and updates that the engineering department did!

  3. I agree with you Mary. Sometimes it feels like the advanced classes get all of the love and the regular and lower level students are left without.

  4. I agree with what you said that when we get new technologies we need to test them and use them. I find sometimes that when we get new things we seem hesitant or unsure how to use them, often the new technology will sit unused. When we got our Smart board at school most of us simply used it as a screen it seemed the students knew more about it than I did. It looks good when we have updated technology in our buildings but if they aren't being used, then we miss the point.


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