Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Yellow-procede with caution! Red! Green-go!

Web 1.0 (the first 10 years of internet)
Webmaster characteristics included: Constant updating of websites to keep visitors informed and engaged. The user had to know the HTML code and type them in. The system basically gives information and has limited world communication-yes its true

Stop the MaDnEsS!
Today's internet users are
looking for more than
just in-for-ma-tion

Web 2.0 (the next phase)
New Technology is transforming the way people use WWW
Webmaster characteristics include: -No HTML required -Shared responsibilities -User contributed content -One spot stop, where people gather and interact -Easy and fun -Faster better engagement -Unlimited world wide communication

FACEBOOK and AMAZON-have created more desire for web interaction leading to

Blogging, Tagging, Social Networking, Social Book Marking
Simon Solutions (web 2.0) -claim
"they have provided each ministry with its own online gated community. They claim it's a safe place for members, an inviting atmosphere for visitors."
In other words if you want to know the help is out there at your finger tips.

Web 1.0 vs Web 2.0

General Overview
As I looked over the numerous available engine sites I noticed that they all provide links to other engine sites. These links lead to many other pathways to assist you in understanding how to manipulate a specific engine site or networking system. They contained endless opportunities for large and small business expansion, personal growth, educational exploration, and user friendly sites for the young, old, wise and fullish. It's amazing. It simply takes creativity and new development opportunities to another level while leaving boundless opportunities to explore other interests, hobbies, and the ability to satiate arbitrary thoughts and ideas.
Currently I have used Wikipedia and YouTube. I honestly don't have a desire for Facebook or any other networking site at this time in my life. I have enough on my plate. And frankly it bothers me to have to spend time emailing. I miss genuine telephone conversation. I do understand that all this technology has a place and at the same time maintaining the simple necessities in life has it's' place as well. It's seems to be a never ending cycle. I just want some piece and quiet.


  1. I'm still not clear on how to make this blog fancy. I tried to add a picture and it froze. I would like to make things move around and make sounds. Color, bold, italicize and font is the closes I could come to excitement. Maybe next time.:<

  2. Along the top of the box where you type - which has all the controls for font color, size,etc... I know there is a link for adding a movie. You can then search for the youtube clip you want to add and it puts it right in the blog post. That way people don't have to leave this page to watch your video. If you want to try editing your post and adding the video at the end feel free! =)


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