Friday, May 20, 2011

Randy H. Post - Viral!

How many times have we heard this phrase in the past week? I have heard it at least once and hear it quite frequently at school from my students. Any video shot from any device that can take digital video has the potential to go Viral! This is what many people hope for and work for when they create a YouTube account. is an online website that allows users to upload digital video content onto their site at no charge to the user. That means anyone with a digital video camera like a cell phone camera, flip cam, or webcam can produce a video and post it for the world to see. In many cases, you can just upload your video from your phone or desktop computer and it is online in a matter of minutes. The site itself is easy to use, and easily navigated. You type in the name of the video you want to see or subject you are looking for a video clip of, and just like any other search engine, up pops video clips that fit the search criteria the user input. Here is a great video that explains how Web 2.0 technology is used today.

YouTube videos can be used for many different means. As a teacher I use them for fun and for educating. For instance, I found an awesome video of a Vietnam Veteran speaking about his experience in the war that without it, would have been harder to relay to my students with just me standing in front of the room telling them it was a certain way. I also embed the videos in other forms of Web 2.0 such as my Prezi presentations,, or my experimental Weebly website. They are great for quick video clips, but can also be powerful teaching tools when used properly. Every now and then I use them just to loosen students up from a daunting task, test, or project. Here is one I showed the other day after our 1.5 hour review session just to relax them a bit from the pressure they are under.

YouTube can make teaching more student friendly and encourage engagement by more students than the greatest lecturer in the history of the world. They love YouTube videos and relate to this technology instantly. I see them all the time taking videos exclaiming, "This is goin up on YouTube!"

Here are some Links to other Web 2.0 technologies that you can include YouTube videos in:

3. www.


  1. You stated the information so eloquently especially with the videos within the text. The digital video you found was a great way to explain Web 2.0. I enjoy using the site in the classroom as a way to introduce a new concept.

  2. Great Job! I see I still have a ways to go with my blog entry. Thank you for presenting your information so well. I'm beginning to understand Web. 2.0 a little more every time. Your video was very helpful thank you.
    Loved the pet YouTube-thank you for sharing.



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