Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Technology Standards for Administrators

Administrators have technology standards just as students and teachers do. The National Educational Technology Standards for Administrators, NETS-A, lists five strands that administrators are encouraged to follow: Visionary Leadership, Digital Age Learning Culture, Excellence in Professional Practice, Systemic Improvement, and Digital Citizenship.

The second strand, Digital Age Learning Culture, asks that administrators institute, promote, and foster a digital environment that contributes to an engaging and effective classroom education for every student. Administrators make sure that the technology driven rigorous le
arning is in a continuous format within their school and classrooms. Administrators provide learner-centered environments that include resources and technology infused throughout the curriculum. Administrators also participate and help to promote a technological learning community on the local and global levels that allow for digital-age collaboration and change.

My principal meets many of these standards in our school. All classrooms have or will be equipped with SmartBoards by the 2011-2012 school year. Professional development will center around rigorous instruction, and implementation of SmartBoard lessons. In addition to SmartBoards, there is a 4 to 1, student to laptop, ratio where students utilize programs that support academic growth in math, reading, and science. My principal is always thinking and planning new ways to include technology and resources into the content standards. Recently she asked me to create a blog about our Fresh Fruits and Vegetables program starting in August. It is a good thing I am taking this technology class.

There is a lot of encouragement and an open mind when it comes to involving technology in our school and classrooms. Many grants have been written and approved to secure various forms of technology and resources in our school. Western Hills is fortunate to have a principal that continually looks to the future.

Check out this link to read the exact National Educational Technology Standards for Administrators:


  1. I thought that this pointed out some very interesting things. I like how your princiapl is staying on top of technology by having the Smartboards and for keeping technology as a priority. I was wanting to get into this particular group of standards but found that it could become too controversial. Saying something that could come out or interpreted the wrong way could get you in trouble. I do feel that they are teachers as well and should be held at the same if not higher standard than teachers. Thank you for the information. Have a good Memorial Day weekend.

  2. Great assessment and it looks like you have a model administrator - do you know if your principal is aware of the NETS-A standards?

  3. I find it interesting that administrators also have technology standards. It makes sense but I don't know if I have ever looked to my administrator as an example of how to incorporate technology in the classroom. I work in a technology magnet, so of course technology is abundant, but it seems our professional development is geared toward best practices in teaching in the classroom. It would be nice to see more professional development based around best practice in teaching using technology.


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